Just as our Lord commanded, we in the K.I.D.S. ministry are bringing little children to Jesus.

It says it all in our name.

K.I.D.S. is an acronym for KnowImpactDiscipleShare.

Everyone involved in Vertical Life K.I.D.S. has the awesome privilege of leading our little ones into a greater KNOWledge of Jesus. We want to make a great IMPACT in their lives by God’s grace. By doing this, we are helping them to become DISCIPLEs of Jesus. We encourage them to SHARE the love and Good News of Jesus, just as His disciples did.

What We Teach

Our curriculum, Gospel Project, uses the unique learning characteristics of each age level to teach God’s Word, the Bible.  It is taught without apology in a relevant, creative, and fun way that engages the imagination of children, points children to Jesus, and, Lord willing, transforms lives.

First time here?

Come visit us at the K.I.D.S. “playhouse” you see as you enter the doors on the west side of the building. You’ll fill out the registration form and the Greeter will give you the lay of the land!

Come visit us at the K.I.D.S. “playhouse” you see as you enter the doors facing Eldridge Parkway. You’ll fill out the registration form and the Greeter will give you the lay of the land! Additionally, 1st through 5th graders are ‘checked’ in prior to the service, but they sit with their parent(s) during the singing portion of the worship service which is approximately 30 minutes prior to being released to go to their class.

NURSERY (Newborn – Crawlers):

Even with our youngest, we are teaching them about Jesus! In ministering to all the needs of the precious “little ones,” a foundation of trust is established between the church and parents. And rest assured that while you are worshiping in the auditorium, your child is being cared for in an atmosphere full of God’s love.

TODDLERS (Walkers – 2 years old):

The Bible is ultimately about God providing salvation to sinful mankind through His Son, Jesus Christ! We teach the children that they can discover Jesus throughout the entire Bible! As children study the Bible, they develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Each week children are encouraged to really know Jesus, love God, and live their faith in practical, tangible ways. We believe the Word of God not only changes a child, but it changes a family as well. We encourage your child to bring their Bible every Sunday.


Children learn to recognize that the Bible is God’s Word and that God loves and cares for us deeply. Each lesson actively engages every child in the Bible story, and points them to experience God’s love and know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Every family receives a take-home page each Sunday and parents are encouraged to ask questions about what their child has learned.

1ST – 2ND Grades:

The Bible is ultimately about God providing salvation to sinful mankind through His Son, Jesus Christ! We teach the children that they can discover Jesus throughout the entire Bible! As children study the Bible, they develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Each week children are encouraged to really know Jesus, love God, and live their faith in practical, tangible ways. We believe the Word of God not only changes a child, but it changes a family as well. We encourage your child to bring their Bible every Sunday.

3RD – 5TH Grades:

As children grow and mature it is critical that we as a church continue to encourage a child’s development in their understanding of the gospel at a deeper level, seeking to know who God is and what He has done for us in the person and work of the Lord Jesus. We encourage the kids at this age to be more curious about God’s word and ask questions in order to grow in their understanding of what the Bible teaches. Additionally, we encourage them to seek to model more what it means to be a servant in their home and in the church.

Looking to Serve?

Our team of committed servants looks forward to working alongside new team members.  The more the merrier! It’s a privilege and a blessing to faithfully labor in His field (Matt. 9:38), knowing that “at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9).

To become a part of the KIDS ministry, please click here. Fill out the form and someone will contact you.

It’s a thorough application, so if you want to ask questions or get a better idea of how you might fit in, contact Debbie Garcia, K.I.D.S. Ministry Director at debbie@verticallifechurch.com.