Well our plans are most certainly not God’s plans and that was very evident this past weekend. As the vast majority of you know our family had a covid exposure and unfortunately one of our children tested positive so I was very thankful for Rick, Ray, and Ted stepping up at the last minute and covering for me this past weekend and again this coming Sunday. Thanks in advance for asking but we’re all doing fine, even the one who tested positive. He would say he feels totally fine! We’re going to get him tested early next week and Lord willing it will be negative. We’re taking it day by day and remaining quarantined at our home, but I must say it was easier being quarantined when everyone else was doing the same thing!
This Sunday we’re very sad to miss so please go in our absence and be there for us! Four individuals are going to testify of their faith in the Lord Jesus and follow him in obedience in the waters of baptism. Ben Dowdy, a long-time pastor and church planter for the GCC, is going to preach in my absence a message entitled “Hold Fast” from 3 John. Additionally, there are some great songs that you’ll be singing corporately so please attend and be ready to pray, sing, listen, support, and fellowship for the glory of Christ!
In case you weren’t there this past Sunday, there was an announcement video played on behalf of our Hope 1:27 ministry describing a new opportunity for all of us to engage our community and the foster care system. You can watch the announcement video HERE. If you are interested in being a part of the response team for CarePortal then please text the word CARE to 832-688-5235. That will sign you up for further information and training. Again, watch the video and if you have any questions then please let me know and we’ll find the answers. You can always ask Jennifer Clifford as well (Thanks Jennifer for all of your hard work on this project!).
One final note, we have four additional people who desire to get baptized but they were not ready to go this Sunday. In light of that we are going to have another baptism class coming up very quickly beginning on June 6th and 13th and then have the baptisms on June 20. If you are interested in getting baptized then please signup and plan to join us at 9 a.m. on June 6th and 13th. To let us know of your interest please fill out THIS form (Don’t worry about the dates on the form. Everything is in June.).
Blessings brothers and sisters! Grace and peace to you all and I look forward to seeing you this weekend!