Words that are familiar to all of us and originate (generally) from such a familiar passage, Proverbs 3:5-6:
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
These words are all too familiar, but yet their application is for such a time as this. These verses and what they represent are most striking when what is happening around us DOESN’T make sense. When life and the issues of life make sense and are easily discernable then our hearts aren’t pressed for answers because we understand (or think we do), but when life doesn’t make sense and COVID is in the air, a hurricane strikes nearby, politics are as volatile as they are, crime is on the rise, the car won’t start, the kids won’t obey, and the pastor can’t preach (had to throw that in there) then where do I turn in my thinking? Trying to understand everything and piece my world together? Good luck with that! No, take the easier, more peaceful route, trust God is at work in every detail of all those circumstances continuously for your good and His glory. Keep acknowledging, worshiping, trusting, obeying Him and He will direct you in the midst of the turmoil. Trust the Lord!
I think the verse in the hymn The Solid Rock says it well:
When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
At times God is going to veil the countenance of His peaceful goodness and place you in stormy gales to see where you turn for stability and peace. Do you turn to his unchanging grace or to another source of security such as ‘your own understanding’?
My friends, in the midst of the world in which we live, continue to grow in your trust of God and His providential care for your life. He is making your paths straight, straight into His loving arms one day.
You are loved!
Several opportunities launching very soon so get signed up!
1) Growing in Christ – Fundamentals of the Faith – September 8 (Click HERE for fall schedule). To sign up for Fundamentals of the Faith click HERE.
2) Growing in Christ – American Gospel – September 19 (click HERE for the fall schedule). To sign up for American Gospel click HERE.
3) Man Camp – October 7-9 at Highland Lakes Camp by Lake Travis. Three different prices depending on if you want to camp, bunkhouse, or two occupancy hotel type room. Click HERE for the prices and to sign up. The location and facilities are phenomenal so plan to attend!
Additional reading/watching:
“Sometimes, however, our desires for our children’s future lives collides with God’s will. It’s not that we intentionally disregard God’s plans—no thoughtful Christian parent would want to do that—but it’s terribly easy to confuse or commingle our plans with what we think God’s plans are (or should be).”
I’ve known many parents who have wondered this. “I’ve often pondered what Ben will be like in heaven. I used to think that he would still have Down Syndrome, since it comes knit into his every chromosome. But the longer we deal with not just the delights but also the deficits and struggles that Down Syndrome brings, the more I am convinced that the transformation we undergo in heaven will heal him of even this.”
This is good counsel from Darryl Dash. “Read all of Scripture, and read other dead people (as well as some living ones). But dedicate your life to mastering — and being mastered by — your two main texts and your one main dead person.”
This article by Tom Sugimura looks at the idea of carnal Christians.